She / Her

Sara Kass

Blog Author

More About Sara

Sara's Fitness Journey

As someone who was playing sports all through childhood, fitness has always been a part of my life! From softball to water polo and beyond, I loved moving my body in a competitive context. But when I finished high school, I found myself wondering what to do next, and what would feel good. After trying running (terrible ankles knocked that one out), Quidditch (long story) and spin, I found yoga and weightlifting! Both made me feel in touch with my body, and served me as a nourishing way to move. Now I use those as my primary movements, along with lots of walks and hiking!!

What Body Positive Means to Sara

To me, body positivity is one of the most important changes to mental health that anyone can make!! We live in a society that capitalizes off of our hatred of ourselves, and to reject that is such a powerful and difficult act. Allowing ourselves to be body positive gives a comfort to life that allows everything else about our personalities to flourish and grow! It's an everyday choice, and a most beautiful gift!

Favorite Song

Between Two Lungs by Florence and the Machine

Workouts with Sara

No workouts with this trainer have been posted yet! But check back soon for updates.
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