She / Her

Emma Thwaits

With over 5 years of experience as a children's martial arts instructor and 2 years of experience as a kids CrossFit coach, as well as currently pursuing my B.S in Business Administration at Agnes Scott, I am studying for my Personal Training certification to become more well rounded as a fitness instructor. With experience in Adolescent fitness and development, I was able to better understand the importance of resilience and determination as my kiddos I coached overcame barriers and hurdles, mentally and physicially.

More About Emma

Emma's Fitness Journey

I found my love for fitness as a means to cope with my anxiety. From dance, to martial arts, and then volleyball, I found my love for fitness in weightlifting. In all honesty, I started for all the wrong reasons, and it has taken 5 years and a lot of emotional maturity, to shift my mindset from physique to external and internal strength. Working out is my time to connect with myself, better. understand my strength and journey, and overcome barriers.

What Body Positive Means to Emma

To me, Body Positivity means loving internally, appreciating ones strength, and enjoying the journey. The body endures so much, whether it is intentional or life throwing a curveball, and we fail to recognize how strong we truly are.

Favorite Song

My favorite song to workout to is "Dreams and Nightmares" by Meek Mill. My absolute favorite song, which is full of affirmations is "Free" By Perri Jones

Workouts with Emma

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